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International Urogynecology Associates
Surgically Treated over 400 Mesh Complications in 2012
Best Doctors in America - 10 Years

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TVT Sling Complications: Abdominal, Pelvic, and Vaginal Pain

If a patient is suffering from lower abdominal pain, pelvic pain and vaginal pain after the insertion of TVT Sling, then the whole sling (95%-100% of mesh) should be removed. This will take tension off of the vagina and at its exit points (ie. The lower abdominal wall) Removing the sling will often completely remove the lower abdominal and pelvic pain as well as painful sex. Dr Miklos & Moore remove the sling using both a vaginal (20% of sling removed) and laparoscopic (80% of sling removed) approach. The laparoscopic approach ( mini incisions) is rarely performed by most surgeons, but Drs Miklos and Moore have the most experience in the world removing TVT type slings this way.

Click images below to enlarge.

Normal TVT Sling

Normal TVT Sling

Upward tension causing abdominal pain

Upward tension causing abdominal pain

Mesh  removed to release tension / pain

Mesh removed to release tension / pain