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Laparoscopic TVT Removal: Groin and Thigh Pain (Obturator Neuralgia)

TVT placement can sometimes result in severe groin and thigh pain. The pain is so severe it sometimes will make it difficult to walk. In this situation Dr. Miklos and Dr. Moore believe it is best to remove the whole TVT or as much as possible as soon as possible. Groin and thigh pain can be a result of the synthetic TVT sling embedded into the obturator muscles or Impinging on the obturator nerve.

Please see Drs. Miklos & Moore's 2014 AAGL (American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists) Award Winning Video to the left.

Click images below to enlarge.

Normal TVT Sling

Normal TVT Sling
(Outside looking in)

Outward tension causing Vaginal Pain

Normal TVT Sling
(Inside looking out)

TVT Portion removed to release tension

TVT embedded in obturator muscle and nerve (pain)