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International Urogynecology Associates
Surgically Treated over 400 Mesh Complications in 2012
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Sacralcolpopexy Mesh Complications: Vaginal Mesh extrusion / visible mesh

As with vaginal mesh placement, mesh extrusion or exposure through the vagina can occur however typically the overall rates seem to be lower with the sacralcolpopexy procedure. Rates in the literature vary between 1 and 10%. In Drs. Miklos and Moore’s study, overall rate of extrusion was 1.1%. Some series do show higher rate of extrusion or exposure if a hysterectomy is completed at the same time secondary to the mesh being placed over the incision where the cervix was. Again, this complication is the most common, however it is a minor complication that is easily handled with a small excision and repair of the defect through an outpatient vaginal approach. An abdominal or laparoscopic approach would only be necessary if the vaginal approach did not work, or the mesh was not a Type I mesh and needed to be completely removed (such as Goretex). Drs. Moore and Miklos would accomplish this laparoscopically.

Click images below to enlarge.

Normal Sacralcolpopexy

Normal Sacralcolpopexy



Mesh Extrusion in Vagina - Colpopexy

Mesh Extrusion in Vagina

Mesh Extrusion into Vaginal Skin

Mesh Extrusion in Vagina