International Urogynecology Associates
Surgically Treated over 400 Mesh Complications in 2012
Best Doctors in America - 10 Years

Call now for a confidential consultation with Ashley - Atlanta: (770) 475-4499

Vaginal Mesh Complications: Treatment Overview

Unfortunately, complications from prolapse and incontinence surgery exist no matter what technique or material is used. The use of mesh in prolapse and incontinence surgery has become much more common and in many cases is the standard of care for the treatment of these conditions.  As we reviewed in the complications section, when complications do occur, it is not necessarily the fault of the mesh itself, or the procedure or the kit…it typically is multifactorial. Complications can occur for many various reasons including how the procedure was performed, the type of mesh that was used,  how the mesh was placed, the experience of the surgeon placing the mesh and how the body heals around the mesh. However, no matter how experienced the surgeon is, the risks of complications in surgery can NEVER be zero.

When mesh is properly used, the cure rates are excellent and the overall complication rates are very low. Of course with more experience and expertise with these procedures and ensuring that the proper technology is used, complication rates can and should be minimized. However, even more importantly, it is essential that the surgeon is able to recognize and treat the complications when they do occur, as that is part of being a good surgeon. Most of these complications, when properly recognized and diagnosed, are actually very readily treated and taken care of, some with minor office procedures and some requiring more major intervention. It is however, crucial to have a surgeon with extensive experience in dealing with mesh complications and if your surgeon is not that experienced, he/she should refer you to someone who is.

The following is a review of various treatment options for the mesh complications that are encountered and that we reviewed in the previous section:

Call now for a confidential consultation with Ashley - Atlanta: (770) 475-4499