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International Urogynecology Associates
Surgically Treated over 400 Mesh Complications in 2012
Best Doctors in America - 10 Years

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Vaginal Mesh Kits Complications: Fistula Formation or Abscess

These are major complications, however fortunately are very rare. Again, this type of complication is not the fault of the procedure or kit itself, it was in how the mesh was placed by the surgeon, or how the body healed or reacted to the mesh. If the mesh is placed through the bladder or the rectum and not recognized at time of surgery, it may result in a connection between the bladder or rectum and the vagina resulting in a fistula and/or infection. Symptoms include fever, infection, vaginal pus drainage, stool or urine draining from the vagina. The mesh needs removed from the rectum or the bladder and can involve major surgery. Most surgeons will recommend a large open abdominal incision to do the surgery, however Drs. Moore and Miklos typically offer a laparoscopic outpatient type approach. (See more information on fistula repair).

Click images below to enlarge.

Normal Anterior Wall Mesh

Normal Anterior Wall Mesh

Normal Posterior Wall Mesh

Normal Posterior Wall Mesh

Bladder Fistula

Bladder Fistula

Rectal Fistula

Rectal Fistula