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International Urogynecology Associates
Surgically Treated over 400 Mesh Complications in 2012
Best Doctors in America - 10 Years

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Sacralcolpopexy Mesh Complications: Mesh Erosion in Bladder or Rectum

This is a very rare complication and in Drs. Miklos and Moore’s series of over 400 laparoscopic sacralcolpopexies, this did not occur. However, it may occur on a rare occasion and if so the mesh will need to be removed from the bowel and/or bladder. If it has eroded into the bowel a temporary colostomy may be required as well. If it is in the bladder, typically Drs. Miklos and Moore can remove this laparoscopically with only a 23 hour stay.

Click images below to enlarge.

Normal Sacralcolpopexy

Normal Sacralcolopexy


Mesh Erosion in Bladder

Mesh Erosion in Bladder

Mesh erosion in rectum

Mesh Erosion in Rectum

Laparoscopic Sacralcolpopexy - Rectal/Bowel/Colon Erosion